Board of Trustees

Mrs. Fabienne Balaa

IRALEB Executive Director

Holder of a Master of Science degree (DESS) in Banking and Finance, Fabienne has managed, throughout her 27-year career, IMF and World Bank supported projects for the Governorate of Banque du Liban. She was leading, in BDL, the GDDS National program, while also managing a dynamic data dissemination Portal for Lebanon Statistics and assisting, as a Ministerial Committee’s member, in institutional strengthening within the Lebanese Ministries and administrations. She has also monitored applications of modern Information and communication technology (ICT) and web-based applications related to statistics at the Central Bank.

She worked as a consultant with the EU & ESCWA supervising team experts and carrying out economic studies for micro-financing programs, financial SME sector analysis, assessments and market opportunity surveys.

Fabienne has led three Industrial censuses in 2008 (with UNIDO), 2000 &1997 (funded by GTZ) for the Ministry of Industry, managing a team of 7 Supervisors, 70 Surveyors and 12 data entry. She has analyzed data pertaining to micro & macro-economic indicators and prepared sector based analysis for promoting macro-economic policies.

For the last 14 years, she has been managing the LIRA program (IRALEB), headed by the Ministry of Industry, ALI & CNRS by administering the Fund for innovative youth Academic industrial applied Research Projects and organizing LIRA forums and award ceremonies.

