Judging Panel

Eng. Elias Bachaalany

CEO Automatix – VP Neuvatek USA

Elias is an entrepreneur with engineering background in Telecommunication and Micro Electronics. Elias is currently the CEO of AutomatiX Group (www.automatix.com)

as well as President Design & Technology of NEUVATEK Inc. (www.neuvatek.com).

AutomatiX is an engineering firm specialized in Automation and Power and classified as official solution partner for SIEMENS in different fields, mainly the Building Technology and Infrastructure Automation. Moreover, AutomatiX is operating in Middle East, Gulf, Africa and Eastern Europe.
NEUVATEK Inc. is a technology hub for advanced product designs, microelectronics, embedded programming and simulation. NEUVATEK is operating in Austin Texas, USA and serving the states, France and Germany.

Throughout his career, Elias registered several US patented inventions and developed hundreds of control systems going from small wearable system to complete industrial plants.

Elias is currently member of the LIRA (Lebanese Industrial Research Achievements) program and his main cause is the development of the engineering skills of the Lebanese graduate with his believes that this is the defined future of Lebanon.

IN addition to several roles to support startups as coach, jury member and sponsor.

