Executive Board

Dr. Marie-Rita Hojeij

Holy Spirit university of Kaslik

Marie-Rita Hojeij received the B.E. degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik in 2013, and the PhD in fifth generation mobile communication systems, in 2017, from IMT Atlantique, France.
She is currently a full-time assistant professor and the orientation coordinator at the school of engineering of the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik. She has supervised a large number of Master theses. She has been the recipient of several research grants from the Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research and the Franco-Lebanese CEDRE program. She serves as reviewer for several journals (IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Communications Letters, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Digital Signal Processing, etc.) and conferences (IEEE VTC, IEEE Globecom, IEEE ICECS, EUSIPCO, ICT, etc). She has six registered patents in Europe, USA, Japan, China, and Korea. Her current research interests include 5G systems, resource allocation, computer vision, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

