Board of Trustees

Eng. Ziad Shammas

Head of IRALEB Executive Board

Ziad is the President and CEO of Shammas trading Co, Constratto Co and Lebanese Explosives Co with over 25 years of managing and establishing partnerships with different companies and sitting on different specialized boards, committees and associations locally and internationally. A self-made entrepreneur, Ziad has a successful track record in a variety of fields and businesses including Engineering, construction, jewelry, lubricants, and batteries, in addition to the domain of civil explosives being his area of expertise.  He has taken over the family business and has expanded it from a local company to a regionally and internationally well recognized with a variety of products and services.

Ziad has demonstrated leadership and success with specialized knowledge and experience in managing and setting up businesses, building relationships and network as well as strategic thinking and thought leadership.

Ziad is Board Member of the “Association of Lebanese Industrialists”, member of the Board of Trustees and Head of the executive Board of “Industrial Research Achievements – Lebanon”, an association that aims at building effective cooperation between the industrial and academic sectors in Lebanon, through supporting, sponsoring, and funding Innovative projects for Youth.

Ziad graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the American University of Beirut and obtained his MBA from the University of Balamand. He is a member of the Lebanese Engineering syndicate and an active member of the ISEE and EFEE. He also is an active philanthropist and is involved with the Lebanese Red Cross and other social activities.

